Where to stay in Krasnaya Polyana?
Most tourists, when they want to organize their leisure time for the winter in Krasnaya Polyana, are interested in: where is the best place to book Krasnaya Polyana apartments ?
Because when choosing this or that hotel, you will see that there are plenty of them on various portals and how the prices vary greatly. In addition, some will decide to go skiing to Krasnaya Polyana for the first time, while others have been there more than once. And the resort is also quite big.
Basically, all information on leisure activities at resorts is collected piecemeal on various portals. And to understand whether this is the best solution or not, you need to read a lot of posts and recommendations. It takes a lot of time.
However, in the case of Krasnaya Polyana, we have already done a huge amount of work for you. Next we will talk about how to find answers to the most constant questions about hotels in Krasnaya Polyana and you can choose the option that suits you.
Krasnaya Polyana: review of the best clusters
Most travelers who visited Krasnaya Polyana several years ago still remember how they rode down the mountain “somewhere on the outskirts of Krasnaya Polyana...”
However, having arrived there after the Olympics, they cannot realize - where is that cable car? Where have they skated before? Everything has changed. So, we were left in the mountains near Krasnaya Polyana after the 2014 Winter Olympics?
Closer to the village of Krasnaya Polyana is the GORKI GOROD resort, at its left end there is GAZPROM, and next to the left edge of the map you can see the ROSA KHUTOR resort.
Where is it more profitable to live? Where will the best hotels be? Where is it more convenient and interesting to relax? Everything will depend on WHY you come to the resort. Let's try to figure it out together.
Ride and just ride!
If you are “only a specific” rider (in the excellent sense of the word) and are going to this delightful resort just to ride from the mountains, then it is certainly better for you to choose a hotel right on the mountain, near the highway . These are the upper levels of the resort: either Rosa Plateau or Gorki +960.
The following advantages await you:
- In the morning you get up, put on your boots, pick up your skis and after a few minutes you are already on the slope, you can allow the morning “corduroy”;
- You shouldn’t go somewhere by bus;
- Don’t stand in queues at the lower stations of the resort (and during the season there are always huge queues);
- You can slide down the mountain at any time, unfasten your skis or board, and after about 15 minutes you are already taking a bath in the Krasnaya Polyana hotel apartment.
As you can see, you need to choose a hotel taking into account your own needs.